Software Development

Here is an overview of our company’s Software Development process in relation to project phases and activities:

Analysis and Design

In the first phase, main goal in to analyse the business context of the system and prepare specifications of business processes. In order to achieve our foal, we identify the current actors, business processes, roles, understand organization goals, design solution and define all necessary requirements.

We do our analysis using interviews and workshops with key users to identify all of the expectations of a system. We collect legal documentation and reports when it is needed.

While designing, we try to get all functional, technical and software detailed specifications we need for further development. We prepare Case and Activity diagrams, draw wireframes and iterate while we are sure everything is covered.

Software development

Development is carried out using SCRUM methodology, in accordance with the project plan, whose result is a developed system. The development itself is iterative and incremental and involves customer reviews.

Before starting the test project phase, we must ensure that all functions and requirements are covered by test. In that manner, we prepare test plan, test scripts and test scenarios. We always test in a production similar test environment.

Testing and Verification

The aim of User Acceptance Testing (UAT) activity is to enable the users to verify that all the components of the implemented system are developed in accordance with the agreed requirements so that they can confirm the acceptance of the system and start using it in the production environment. The testing is done with a working group of users which are familiar with business processes.

user testing graphics

Users training and System Implementation

In this phase, we provide user manuals and guidelines and train key users of the system. Trained users usually represent the first line support for all other users of the system.

After the UAT tests are finished and the results are approved, the system is implemented in a production environment.

// Quality assurance

Quality Assurance (QA) is a process that focuses on identifying and maintaining set of requirements for developing reliable products. It is a critical part of every software development process. When quality assurance is in question, we ask ourself questions about systems functionality, reliability, efficiency, maintainability and portability. We review and control these characteristics upon each Project Phase exits and/or Development Cycles where appropriate and try to improve.

We take the following activities to improve the quality of the developed software:

code review and testing illustration

We use the following activities to monitor quality during the development of the software:

// We Carry more Than Just Good Coding Skills

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